
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Today was the day

So we get to the hospital at 7:50AM and Boo Boo had just woke up and was crying. So we washed our hands and I picked him up.  The crying stopped right away.  I said many many prayers in his ear.  And then the last prayer I did, we were touching foreheads and he listened to the entire prayer and then I said Amen, and Dontae muttered out uh uh.  Good enough for me!!!!!  So then out the door I carried him across the lawn to where he was getting his surgery. So I held him until a nurse came and said "we are ready for him"  and into her arms he went.  About 10 mins. later the Dr. came out and said "did you know Dontae has an eye infection?"  Uh No, I said to myself.  "So we are giving him an antibiotic"  That was that, there I sat, not one person told me what to do.  So I asked a mom who was there with her son, what to do.  So we went out to the grass and sat in the shade and read for two hours.  "Is Heaven for Real"  An amazing book, and I finished it.  If you haven't read it, you best go get it right now.  After two hours we went back to where we were and they said "you don't come here, you go there"  so we went there, and they said "you don't come here you go there" till finally a nurse called and told us where to go.  So we get there, or at least we thought we were there, but the building said "cardiac theater"  so we went back and told them we can't find the place.  Come to find out, the surgeries going on today were just using this recovery room.  "COULDN'T SOMEONE JUST TELL US THAT?"  LOLOLOL  So we sit down, and about 20 mins later they come out to get me.  We get in to the room and she touched Dontae, he opened his eyes at her and was fine, but he looked over at me and started crying pretty hard.  They have both his arms in spints so he can't touch anything on him and especially his mouth.  He settled right down, and 10 mins. later we put him on another bed and took him back to his room.  For 5 hours we had to hold him, every single time we tried to lay him down he just went nuts.  And did I tell you it was hooottttttt, they don't have air conditioners in the hospitals here.  Dontae sucks his thumb when he goes to sleep, and now he couldn't sooth himself.  It was so hard I tell ya.  but finally at 6:00 we got Boo Boo to sleep.  The Dr, said everything went fantastic. We thought after we eat , we would go back to the hospital, but I was afraid to because Dontae would be self soothing, and if he saw me, all that would change.  So back to the apartment we went.  So lets see what God has in store for all of us tomrrow.


Miss Linda said...


Denise said...

Hi Kim,
Thank the Lord that everything went well with Dontae. I do hope he'll be able to get some needed sleep tonight. I'm so glad that the Lord laid it on you both to have this child as your son. Well get some rest and let us know how tomorrow goes. Love you