
Friday, July 29, 2011

This's & That's

Ya know what?  This blog has been viewed over 200 times in the last 48 hours which was the last time I wrote on here, Over 200.  That is a lot of people wanting to read what I wrote. Do you see how fast the grapevine works?  Do you see how much gossip is going on to get that many hits in such a short period of time?  Unless, what I wanted to do and get the word out about The Koch's is working, and for people to start supporting the right people.  This is what I pray for, this is what I am praying for.  When I sat down here to write something, I was getting myself all upset (hence the reason for the title) because I didn't have a clue on how to write what I am feeling about the viewings of this blog. I was feeling embarrassed,thinking that the only reason people are coming here is to see if there is any smut.  But now that I am writing, I really don't feel that way at all, that's       A LOT of people reading what I wrote, and only good can from it.  so WOOOHOOOO!!!
Now on to my that's.... lolol  so I guess up there was a this.....  :-)
Who would of thunk (lol) that at almost 50 years old, that I would have a baby.  Isn't that insane? When Calie is just about 21.  People of always said that I would come home with a child, but really when you think about it, I think not!!!! But God had a different idea and he led the three of us together.  We were watching Dontae last night as we were on our bed playing.  For a little guy with two fingers on each hand and three toes on each foot, there is nothing this child can't do (except maybe pick up a flat piece of paper) but even then he figured out how to get it to bunch up so he could grab it.  I feel that when God designs children he gives them all different strengths and weaknesses, and I know by watching this little guy run, and communicate with everyone, watch him play by himself, that this child will never feel like something is different about him.  He is smart and strong and so many other words that I can't even think of right now. He has many different roads he is going to have to go down with his handicaps, but I know he will come out even more amazing.
The other day, Mark was hanging Dontae upside down by his feet and we were all laughing because of the big smile on his face, but that is when I noticed something red right behind his two front teeth.  So I had Mark stop so I could look.  You see when you look straight at Dontae and look in his mouth there would be no way to see this, and since the Dr. went to surgery the day of Dontae's appointment, he didn't look.  So now here we are with Dontae upside down, and I see a hole, that looks like it goes right through to is nasal cavity. Ok, I say what the heck is this?  Mark didn't seem all that concerned, so I tried to be the same way.  But no not me, I had to educate myself before I would take that for an answer. Truth its all about the truth right?  LOLOL  so I joined a international adoption with cleft palate group, that somehow managed to get to my inbox.  Divine intervention?????  Oh yea!!!  So I joined and started asking questions. Well its called a fistula.  They are sorta common especially with a bilateral cleft palate (which Dontae is)  It might close itself, doubtful, but it might.  He might have lots of difficulty talking because of the airflow, he might need surgery after 6 months, he might have to wear some sort of device that plugs the hole up.  What was the common word I used  "Might", " I don't work on might's.  Not when I have my Heavenly Father with me and my family every second of the way.  So there ya have it.  We will cross the bridges that come up before us as they come. Just wait till you meet this boy, simply amazing I say simply amazing.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Anita & Kingdom Builders Ministry

It was brought to my attention this morning, that KBM is announcing on there FB that Anita's adoption went through and for everyone to pray for a smooth transition.
This bothers me to know end.  In the last 15 years, KBM only adopted out 1 child. Yes you read that correctly, ONE child.  Why on earth would an orphanage not get the children adopted out?  That is a question I ask you to ponder around with.  There were numerous people that wanted to adopt Anita, but for some strange reason, it never happened.  I would love to hear from these people to see why.  Even the woman that is adopting her now, tried to get information from the Koch's when they were staying at MFH while we were there.  She ended up going home feeling like it couldn't happen.  Whats up with that?  Months later, I could not find this woman's phone number to call her to see if she still wanted Anita.  Then one day out of the blue this woman calls.  PTL is all I could say and am still saying.  Because Yes, Yes, Yes she wanted to adopt Anita.  And Anita can go home to her new family that will love her like no other.

So I personally went to KMB's FB to read what they wrote and found out that they just did there last team for the summer.  I don't know about you, but my stomach is just in knots.  I see so many familar faces from teams that had gone in the past while we were there, and I see these same people's remarks on their FB page, it just kills me to think that they are still supporting these people.  I think you could still be their friend and pray for them, but actually support their behavior???? who does that?  Their orphanage was closed down for child abuse.  Closed I said!!!  So why would you support them going into the community to work with children?  Why?  They sure are doing a good job of manipulating the situation, that's for sure.  Please I pray for you to re consider who and what you support.  God has many good good people out their doing HIS work, support them.  Jesus for Jamaica is one of them.  If you want to meet a woman with a heart of gold, that LOVES children that LOVES Jamaican's and does ONLY work for our LORD, then this is who you should support in Jamaica Linda Botkin & Jesus for Jamaica.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Yes I am in Jamaica

LOL  I said that because, sometimes I forget I am in a third world country.  I have to remember that everything works on a much slooowwweeerrrrr time frame.  Which is usually great, except when you get bad news right in the middle of it all.
We left for Kingston yesterday morning, and we were also taking Gladys's grandchildren home at the same time, since they live in Kingston.  First stop, the bank in Mandeville... check....then as we are on the road again we get a call from the kids mom who informs us that her Uncle just died and that she needed to be the one to tell her Aunt, so asked us if we could take the kids to their dads work.......check.... ok, now we are off to the passport office to pick up our passports, Gladys has made arrangements for us to pick it up early.  We get there and the woman is out to lunch.  so we leave there, ...check.... we head over to Dontae's Dr. appointment and then the phone rings, its Gladys who says she needs to come to Kingston right when we get home.  The man that died was her brother.  Ok so now, we want things to run smooth right?????? wrong.....We get to the Dr.  and sit for one and a half hours, just to find out he is still in surgery.  Ok then a three hour drive 70.00 worth of fuel and no appointment.  :-(  At least I had the brains to ask the nurse if Dontae could start eating baby food)  of which she said yes and even a sippy cup.  Yippeeee!
 So we leave there to go back to the passport office. Finally we find a parking place, Mark is the one to go in while I stay with Boo.  About five minutes later I see him limping walking back to the truck. (In my mind, I am thinking "did he get hit by a car?)  But noooooooooooooo, the entire bottom of his tiva sandle fell off.  LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL what?
So in I went,  and Thank you God, we got them. It is now 4:00 and we still haven't had lunch.  So the drive thru here we come.  Only a few places in Jamaica that you can go to a drive thru.  And right now is one of those times that I am thankful.  Ok we can go home now so Gladys can come back to be with the family. But it is a three hour drive, and driving in the dark for anyone is not a good idea.  So we will see.

On a funny note, apparently on my last blog, I wrote Cody's name, which is my oldest son's name.  I call Dontae Cody a lot.  LOL  and now I wrote it and didn't even know that I did, till my mom and Calie told me. LOLOLOLOLOL  that just cracked me up.

On a wonderful note, I had an email waiting for me when I got home, and Anita's adoption licence just came in. Praise the Lord, she needs her own, truly her own family.  I could not be more happy for this young lady.  She had to sit through all the garbage about her parents though, and she had never heard them.  So she was crying and upset, and her new mom or Jenni or us were not there to support her.  How terrible.  Thats the kind of stuff I wish I could be there for people.
Soon she will be with the most amazing family EVER!!!!!!!
Now lets pray that I get my licence very very soon, especially since I started my adoption before Anita's.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Dr. Appt.

Well we were supposed to have a Dr. appointment last Thursday, but thanks to Gladys she got it changed so we didn't have to leave at 4 AM.  So we will be going this morning. We were able to take off the gauze and socks off his hands,  that was wonderful. (that was so hands wouldn't go into his mouth) Still drinking pedisure, out of a cup.  The syringe was difficult and it took forever, which frustrated Cody to no end. So we went to the cup, not a sippy cup, just a cup, and he is doing awesome.  So no more bottles, and he hasn't even missed them.
Hopefully today the good Dr. will say we can start him back on soft baby food.  Pray for us to have safe travels.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Something to think about

Tonight at dinner I was finished before Mark and I was sitting there just watching Dontae do so many funny things. I then looked down at his toes and started thinking how many times I have heard pregnant parents say, as long as he has ten fingers and ten toes.  Well I am here to tell you that fingers and toes have nothing to do with the big picture.  Dontae has two fingers and three toes.  He has this personality that you just wouldn't believe.  He loves woman especially Jamaican women. He is funny and smart and handsome and healthy.Those are just digits. Right? God made him this way for a reason, and God led us all together to be a family at a time when i just finished raising my biological children.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Good news

Today Gladys had a woman here giving a class on social marketing.  There was I think 16 people attending, and I had Suzie the cook make top ramine salad with chicken in it for lunch with fried dumplings, I best also include my husband who had to cut up individual almonds, because they don't have sliced almonds here in Jamaica.   LOL Yummy, was it good.  The class was amazing, and very informative.
So now for the good news, two sets of good news actually.  Dontae's Dr. appointment like I said in an earlier post is tomorrow at 7:30 in the morning at the clinic and its 3 hours away, which means leaving at 4am.  Gladys called the Dr. personally told him exactly what I just told you and he said come Monday at 2:00 instead.
WOOOHOOOOO!!!!!! And then he said we can take the stuff off Dontae's hands.  Now that is great news.  Dontae is a happy camper.  The first thing he did was rub his hands and fingers together, it was so cute.  We still need to do the Pedisure, and then hopefully come Monday, baby food and resume.  Oh my goodness there is also another set of  news.  Dontae is officially off the bottle!
Have a blessed day

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What a breeze

lol no, I am not saying Dontae was a breeze, I am saying, It is so much better here in Treasure Beach then Kingston.  The breeze here is delightful, and there is no breeze in Kingston.  I love the heat, but I thought I was actually going to die there.  LOL It is just amazing here. Mark is working on building more rabbit cages for breeding all the bunnies here.  Its kinda funny because if Mark asks one of the workers to feed the bunnies, they say "Wa"  lolol you have to call them a rabbit.
Dontae did pretty good today, although he kept us up last night.  I really think I need to educate myself on separation anxiety, to find out exactly what to do to make this little tyke feel like we are not going to leave him.  We go back to Kingston on Thursday, we have to leave at 4 in the morning to make our appointment at 7:30, and hopefully we can be done with the pedisure and we can take off his boxing gloves.
Gladys hired a woman to come and give her and I a manicure and pedicure on Friday.. Can you say "YIPEE?" I can hardly wait.  My poor feet are in bad shape.
I wonder what tomorrow will bring?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Not such a good night

Last night was back to being a very looooong one.  Dontae's mouth is doing fantastic, but his emotional state is not.  If he doesn't see Mark or myself together, he starts to cry.  He wants to be held a lot, and he wants to give us hugs all the time as well, and they are real live hugs.  So when awaking this morning Markie thought it might be a good idea to come back a day early.  Plus we were homesick.  So lets see how the next 24 hours go.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Good good day

Boo only woke up one time last night at 3:30am, just long enough for us to feed him pedisure and then right back asleep.  We are so thankful that our heavenly father put into my head to take the splints off and just wrap his hands.  It worked, and we all got some much needed sleep. We thought we would put the splints on during the day that way he would have use of his fingers, but he was great all day with the hands covered.  He took his two usual naps and now he is asleep for the night at 7:00.  While he is was taking his second nap Mark went and hung out in the pool. And I searched the web and napped as well.  Then before dinner we went for a little drive to get some salsa and a treat.  LOL
I am actually looking forward to watching  TV and hope there is a good movie on.  We haven't had TV in over a year now so its kinda fun. I also just got to watch Young and the Restless somehow.  Its Saturday but fine by me. LOL
We were talking today about being so happy that Matty and Calie were able to come and spend sometime with their new little brother, and really get to know him.  And wished that Alesia would start to feel differently about this little guy and feel differently about us trying to replace her. We pray that God will get through to her since we can't seem to.
We sure do miss Button Bay Gladys and William, even all the staff, oh man that just reminded me that the staff asked for us to bring back donuts of all things.  LOLOL Now where in Jamaica do you find a donut?
Button Bay also has a breeze, whew there sure isn't one here.  When we get back a past guest is coming back to stay for a week, it will be nice to see him again.  Not much else to tell you about, so nite nite.

Friday, July 15, 2011

My Cody's birthday is today

I talked to Cody two days ago, and he said he was getting ready for his big birthday bash tonight.  They are having a half way to Christmas party. LOL  And they are dressing up and prizes.  Sounds like a lot of fun.
Speaking of Cody, I must of called Dontae Cody four times the other day.  I am thinking it must be because when Cody was fifteen months old he was in the hospital with spinal meningitis.  And now 23years later my other son was in the hospital at pretty much the same age.  Its just crazy how things work.
Dontae did not sleep at ALL last night, or even today for that matter.  But I am thinking its because of the  splints.  There is no way he can get comfortable so I came up with the idea of just wrapping his hands for tonight, so they can't go in his mouth.  If this does not work, then I might just have to get a touch of Benedryl.  He has not slept hardly at all in days.  Not to mention the exhaustion starting to set in on the parents.  And probably more mark then me, because Dontae fits perfectly on his chest.  So that is where is he wanting to be.  And as soon as he falls asleep Mark puts him down, and WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA  lololololol  so we hoping for  none of this to happen tonight.  Its nine thirty pm right now, and he went down at seven thirty, he has woke up two times but went right back.  Maybe my idea might of worked.  I will let you know.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Did he come home?

I woke up this morning at 5:20am with a bad feeling about Dontae, since we never got a phone call I tried to push it away, but as the morning went on it got a little worse.  So needless to say I was a bit anxious to get to the hospital.  When we walked in Dontae was crying just a little bit, but I noticed that he didn't have in the IV anymore, so I was re leaved.  He was crying cause he had a messy diaper.  As I was changing him, Mark said :WO" my heart sank, he showed me his arm and it was swelling up around the bandages on his arm.  You see they have to splint down both arms because they can't allow his thumb to get in his mouth or anything else for that matter. Mark went up to the nurse and low and behold she said his IV was never in his arm.   "OH REALLY"  lol  if it wasn't for Nurse Christy making sure and getting the IV taken out and getting him pedisure, I might of gone a little nuts.   LOL  But I didn't have too thanks to her.  Some day when a billion dollars lands in my pocket I am going to buy this hospital the machines that beep all the time when the IV is not working.  Even though they are so annoying, I was wishing they had them.  I see the hundreds of children in this hospital, and some with no parents or even visitors for that matter.  What happens to those children?  Don't get me wrong, I am not putting down this hospital,  I have seen the same thing in the States with the care of my father over the years.  Jamaica just doesn't have all the bells and whistles as the States do.  Dr. Arscott was amazing and the same with all his attendees.  Today the Dr.s did there rounds, I made sure and told them what happened, because they need to know these things.  And they told us that Dontae can come home today, but has to be back for a check up next Thursday.  Well yippity du dah I say!  Mark and I had to run to the supermarket because all Dontae gets for the next week is Pedisure.  Yikes do you know how much that costs?   And he has to keep the splints on.  So nurse Christy hooked us up with the bandages so we didn't have to go buy that.  They called in his prescription downstairs and we could pick it up on our way out. You are not allowed to take any pictures in the hospitals here in Jamaica, but I did manage to take two of Dontae so I could compare his face now to when we came in.  And then I had to take a picture of Tracy who I told you about before, Dontae just loved her and she took such good care of him.  So I will post those maybe tomorrow.  It was now time to leave and Tracy was so sad, since she had to stay in the hospital for like another week, and her best bud was leaving her, so that made me cry.  It was kinda bittersweet leaving today, because we did make many good friends and met wonderful children who their bodies were burnt so bad it was sad.  We said our goodbyes and went downstairs and picked up the prescription.  So we made a nice little bed up for Dontae but he is having a tuff tuff time. He falls asleep and then wakes up, and starts crying, I understand why, because everything he finally fell asleep in the hospital, is when we would leave.  So he is scared the same thing will happen.  Poor little fella.  But daddy has the touch.  Prayers for all of us to get a good night sleep and Dontae won't wake up in pain..

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The day after surgery

So today we get to the hospital and the nurse was taking Dontae's temp.  so of course he was crying.  Then he say us and was so happy.  He cuddled right into the same spot as yesterday.  But to me he looked thinner, so I started looking at the IV and again it still wasn't dripping.  I told the nurse and she told me that once again  a Dr. was coming to re do it.  She also told us that he still could have no food or drink. So then after awhile we got Dontae to sleep so left to go back to the apartment to eat lunch.  But first I told the nurse that when the Dr. comes in please have them listen to his lungs, because he has a small cough. We got back to the hospital  just before three the Dr. was still not there which means Dontae has had nothing going into his system for 9 hours.  No wonder he looks skinny. I talked to Gladys on the phone and she told me to call the Dr.  So I asked the nurse for his number and she just called him and told him I wanted to speak with him,  he said to her, Dontae could be released tomorrow.  WHAT! and they hung up. The poor baby still isn't getting fluids from the IV.  Just then the nurse that was here the night we came in a day early, stepped up to the plate and asked me what Dontae has had to eat today.  I told her the nurse said he couldn't have anything yet.  She said   what?  and got him some apple juice and then ordered up some pedisure.  Poor Dontae drank down the pedisure like crazy.  Bless Nurse Christy.  Because if she didn't step up and take care of this situation, I think I would drove to the Dr. office myself.  Now are darling boo boo is full and sleeping, and hopefully for the entire night. So we grabbed a pizza and came back to the apartment.  Tomorrow morning all the Dr.s who worked on Dontae will be doing a walk through, we do not want to miss that. I will have many things to ask and say. Keep praying for Dontae

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Today was the day

So we get to the hospital at 7:50AM and Boo Boo had just woke up and was crying. So we washed our hands and I picked him up.  The crying stopped right away.  I said many many prayers in his ear.  And then the last prayer I did, we were touching foreheads and he listened to the entire prayer and then I said Amen, and Dontae muttered out uh uh.  Good enough for me!!!!!  So then out the door I carried him across the lawn to where he was getting his surgery. So I held him until a nurse came and said "we are ready for him"  and into her arms he went.  About 10 mins. later the Dr. came out and said "did you know Dontae has an eye infection?"  Uh No, I said to myself.  "So we are giving him an antibiotic"  That was that, there I sat, not one person told me what to do.  So I asked a mom who was there with her son, what to do.  So we went out to the grass and sat in the shade and read for two hours.  "Is Heaven for Real"  An amazing book, and I finished it.  If you haven't read it, you best go get it right now.  After two hours we went back to where we were and they said "you don't come here, you go there"  so we went there, and they said "you don't come here you go there" till finally a nurse called and told us where to go.  So we get there, or at least we thought we were there, but the building said "cardiac theater"  so we went back and told them we can't find the place.  Come to find out, the surgeries going on today were just using this recovery room.  "COULDN'T SOMEONE JUST TELL US THAT?"  LOLOLOL  So we sit down, and about 20 mins later they come out to get me.  We get in to the room and she touched Dontae, he opened his eyes at her and was fine, but he looked over at me and started crying pretty hard.  They have both his arms in spints so he can't touch anything on him and especially his mouth.  He settled right down, and 10 mins. later we put him on another bed and took him back to his room.  For 5 hours we had to hold him, every single time we tried to lay him down he just went nuts.  And did I tell you it was hooottttttt, they don't have air conditioners in the hospitals here.  Dontae sucks his thumb when he goes to sleep, and now he couldn't sooth himself.  It was so hard I tell ya.  but finally at 6:00 we got Boo Boo to sleep.  The Dr, said everything went fantastic. We thought after we eat , we would go back to the hospital, but I was afraid to because Dontae would be self soothing, and if he saw me, all that would change.  So back to the apartment we went.  So lets see what God has in store for all of us tomrrow.

Long Day

Well as I told you, we went a day early, so you would of thought they would of told us what time to be there the next day right? Wrong!  So we went to dinner and then went back to out cute little apartment.  Kristen offered to give us a mattress for Dontae since we didn't bring his crib.  But we said no he could sleep with us. The only thing is that its a double bed and that is small. So he started out in bed and then we made him a cozy bed on the floor with the comforter and pillows.  Worked great! The next morning we had a lazy one then went to get some lunch and buy some grocerys.  After that we went to the hospital.  They looked at us like we had five heads, because I guess we were supposed to be there very early in the morning.  Hmmm why didn't someone tell us that?  It was 3:30 now.  We had to stay until the Dr. came for us to sign paperwork.  That time came at 8:30pm.  Dontae was wonderful for all those hours, he flirted with every woman or girl that he could find.  This woman said hi to him and then turned and walked off, Dontae like started whimpering and almost running to her, she turned around and put out her arms, and we were all saying "OHHHHHH"  right when she bent down to pick him up, he turned around and started running away laughing.  OH MY GOODNESS were we all laughing hard.  So she turned around again and started walking away and he did it again, the same exact thing, actually about 4 more times, the very last time he let her pick him up.  That entire thing was the sweetest thing ever.  Then when the Dr.'s assistant came in Dontae was in the crib and he got up and went right to her, and she said "oh I see you are a people person"  we just giggled because of what happened earlier. This little boy of ours just LOVES women.  Dontae is in the burn unit, because its also plastic surgery, and there is 8 other children in there, and if you saw some of them your heart would just bleed.  But they are all so happy and love playing with each other.  So when it came time to leave Dontae was having fun with one of the older girls who has made herself Dontae's caregiver.  So we kissed him and said Goodnight and said a prayer with him. So I wonder how the night went?  We are on our way to the hospital shortly.
Has everyone out there in this world had pressed coffee before except me?  Wow, I love it... if you haven;t tried it, then you better.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

What a dork

You know after we took Dontae to the hospital and found out we were there a day early, Mark said to me "Well I guess its time to start using a calender again"  LOL  we started talking about when our kids were little and into the teen years, that there was not one place on the calender that wasn't written on.  Being in Jamaica, you don't need a calender, but now with a baby and appointments, the calender must come back.
The apartment we are renting is just darling and the woman we are renting from Kristen is so very nice.  It has everything we need, and if it doesn't Kristen will find it.  So Dontae is with us tonight with NO crib.   LOLOL.  But you know, at the very last second I had this strong feeling to pack more food, well  all I can say is God is Good. So please keep the prayers coming

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Back at home

We are back at Button Bay, and it feels good. We are moving into the Seahorse room which is on the main level.  I think it will be so much more convenient for us and Dontae.  Lets just hope the mattress is comfortable.  There is nothing worse for a neck surgery person to have a bad mattress.  Which we had for the last week.  Oh my goodness I was up every couple of hours in pain.  And now we also have a little deck looking out to the sea. You can't beat that. So we came right home and started doing laundry to get all ready to leave again tomorrow at noon for Kingston.  We check Dontae in to the children s hospital for his 7:00AM surgery Monday morning. I still feel very confident in this Dr. and I know Dontae is in Gods hands.  I am just so excited for the little guy that he will be able to eat different foods and everything will quit coming out his nose, his eyes will quit running all the time.
It's kinda late now, and we need some good sleep.  I will keep you posted along the way.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The girls went bye bye!

Well that was hard.  But we sure had an amazing time together.  When we are all at home together, we don't get that much one on one time with each other.  So I am so thankful. We had a ball, and Dontae could not be more lucky to have such amazing sisters like Matty and Calie. We really did a good job with those two. Everyday they still amaze me with how wonderful human beings they are.  The love they showed us and especially Dontae pulled my heart strings.  They to feel like we do, that God hand picked us to be parents and family for this little guy.  Who just happens to be a SUPER STAR!!!!  and I am not just saying that.  Everywhere we go and I mean everywhere this little tyke is a ROCK STAR.  His personality is priceless. His smile is infectious.  Calie taught him how to do serious baby look on command. When you see that, I think you will  just fall on the ground laughing.
We check Dontae into the hospital on the 10th of July and his operation is the morning of the 11th.  He will be in the hospital for a week to 10 days. There is no place for us to stay so we have to rent something, buy our food, rent a car, plus I don't even know what else will arise.  So if you feel like you could help with expenses for us, we sure could use it.
Fortunately, the airline showed there love to us today and changed our air for nothing.  Last time we changed our flights we had to pay 400.00. So the plan is to board the plane with Dontae on Aug 31st.  Please pray this happens.  Because for some reason the adoption is now going very slow.
Did I happen to say that I miss my girls???????? :'-(

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Our time is coming to an end :-(

That's all I am going to say about that.... at least for now. Tomorrow when the girls are actually gone, I will probably write more. They are going to be missed.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The best time ever

Oh boy are we having fun.  The first day we got here we went to get into the water to get cooled off and low and behold there was not one ounce of re freshness  LOL it was kinda weird.  But still amazing.  The water is so blue the sand is so white are chairs to lay out on are so darn comfy.  So yesterday we had breakfast then right to the beach, Dontae went to sleep almost right away, so we had lots of time to lay in the sun and take a nap oh and play in the water, which was refreshing today.  :-)  We then went to eat lunch and got ready to go to the big craft market.  Just as we were about to walk out the door, the down pour came.  That lasted about 20 minutes.  Dontae in the stroller and off we went.  Mark and I were at this craft fair like 10 months ago.  The Jamaicans remembered us, and were so glad to see Dontae, because when we were here last we were telling them about this little boy.  So man was he he a STAR!!!  I am not kidding about that he was given a doll a bracelet a orange drink.   You might think that is great and all, but these people have been working all day and haven't made a dime as of yet, and here they are giving my son a gift.  Oh how I love Jamaica.
I am on Calies computer, I want to post a couple pictures, so if they are here, I was successful, if not, then dang it!!!


Friday, July 1, 2011

Full House

Starting tomorrow, there is a huge 50th Birthday party bash at Button Bay Beach Getaway.  So this guy rented the entire property.  This means there is no room at the Inn.   LOL
Mark, Matty, Calie, Dontae & I are headed to Negril for the week, until my sweet girls go back to the States.
We are going to have soooooooooooooooo much fun.
I tell ya its kinda weird packing up and leaving here this morning, but we will be back soon.  When we come back we will stay over for one night and then we head to Kingston for Dontae's big surgery.  The Dr. says he will be in the hospital for a week to ten days.  So Mark and I rented an apartment for the duration.
If he has a cold of any kind they will NOT do the surgery, so please be praying whenever you can.
The adoption that was supposed to be done so we could come home on July 8th is now not going to be done until the end of Aug. Please pray for this as well.  We are now using credit cards for things, which is not what we had intended.  So we do need to get home for Mark to bring in some money.  :-)  Anyways I will write some more soon.