
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Best Time Ever

We are having the most wonderful time with the girls.  They are getting bit up like crazy, but other then that they are beginning to get tan.  Even Matty!!!!!!  :-)  We play banana gram a lot, it seems we are all getting addicted to it. (If you don't know what it is go to Barnes and Noble and check out the game)  They LOVE their new little brother like no other.  Today we are going to The Pelican Bar and river tour to see the alligators.  The Pelican bar is a wooden shack type thing with a thatched roof that is out in the water on stilts, that you get to by boat. There is a picture of it at  So I don't think I need to tell you how darn excited I am.
The girls are here for three more days, then we all are going to Negril for the last part of the trip.  Button Bay is completely booked up, every single room that is for a week, which means no rooms for us, but we knew this months and months ago.  So they get to see an entire other part of the island. Thank you so much to everyone who sent things with my girls for Dontae, they were very much needed but more appreciated.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Weird or Normal?

Its crazy you know.... not sure whats going on with me, but I am so darn excited to have the girls here that I am being so weird.  LOL  Yes I know I am weird a lot of the time, but this weird is different.  I think Gladys thinks I am a little crazy. lol  Ok Ok I am a little crazy too, but like I said this is different.  Can't even explain it really.  I was handed a glass of diet pepsi from Peaches who is the cook here, and the entire thing slipped out of my hand all over everywhere in the office.  Just weird things, I am doing and saying.  What the heck?  Then I was just sick last night when I went to bed, like a sick nauseous anxious stomach. I guess I just want them to have the best time ever while they are here.  And we are having a great time so far.  Yesterday we all went in the pool and took underwater pictures.   LOL  Have I told you how much the girls LOVE there little brother?  Its like he has always been a part of the family.
I so wish I could say the same of my other daughter Alesia, she somehow feels replaced and says he is not her brother.  I am telling you all this so prayers after prayers after prayers will be said for this relationship to happen. This one is bigger then just Mark and I praying.  So please remember this while you are saying your prayers, we sure would appreciate it.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


They are on there way!!!!!!!!  They just texted and said they were supposed to have a two hour lay over in Texas and that they were boarding right away.  Hmmm Does this mean they will be here early?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Something new everyday.

Things change here in Jamaica by the day.  We might have everything planned out to the T, but then with one quick second everything is different.  We have learned this as we have lived here for almost a  year now. Its been hardest for Mark to go with this one, but I think he has adapted quite well.  He doesn't get all stressed out now, its just become a  way of life.
The single mom that I wrote about earlier on was going to buy into the business here.  As of today she has moved and is going back to Toronto CA.  You always here me say that William, Gladys and us are a good fit right? As lovely as this woman is, as smart as she is and lets not forget talented, at this point in her life the fit was not good.
Matty and Calie get here on Thursday, oh boy we are all excited. Just the fact that they will be with there baby brother is so awesome.
As for Jenni, some of you probably did not know that the reason why she had to leave so suddenly was because her father was not doing well.  And he did pass when she was there.  I know he was proud of her. And I am so glad she was able to be with him.  Jenni we miss you, and monkey keeps bring you gifts. :-)
We are still in need for $ to renew our passports,  Jenni got enough for hers, so its just Mark and I.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

So Long Miss Jenni

I have just said "So long for now" to Miss Jenni Bushaw.  Words can't describe all the feelings that are running through my mind right now.  I can hardly swallow because of the tears I am trying to not to let come flowing at drastic speeds.
It has been one amazing year with this young woman.  I have watched her grow in so many ways. She started out not talking about her feelings, and basically not even letting them show, to a young woman that is beginning to understand the importance of feelings and how they will and can effect your life unless dealt with.  I have watched her take care of Dontae as good as a mother would. Although the dropping things never did quite stop, but who the heck cares.  It was just so much fun making fun of her about it, and her being such a good sport.
I am really not sure how we are going to manage without her presence here.  She has had so much to offer us.
Amazing friendship, many many many laughs, a couple crys (all good) companionship, and love.
For 19 years old, and what she has been doing for the last year, every single person should be proud of what she has accomplished.  I certainly know I am more proud of her then you know.
I am sure my swallowing will start to be a little easier as the day goes by, but I am sure when I go to bed the flood gates will open again.
  Her room is empty!!!!!  I was not ready for that. The fact that I can't take her to Negril as a thank you present is hard.  I have always love you Jenni, but now its LOVE you.  You are going to make the best Godmother for our little guy. Thank you for everything,  I miss you you like crazy my sweet girl.

Monday, June 6, 2011

New Friends and Family

New friends and family and old friends and family, just makes us so thankful and so blessed.  I say all the time how much I love William and Gladys, and what they have taught us and the love they show us.  We haven't met all their children but we have met one and her family and I have talked many times on the phone with another child.  Its obvious the rock doesn't fall far from the tree.  
A few days ago we met another woman about 10 years younger then me with three children.  She is from Toronto Canada.  A very successful young woman with a company called "Fit Mom" that she started with her first born and a welfare check.  This business turned into a franchise  in Canada and she was and is well sought out and recognized by many. Her husband and children moved to Edmonton for her husbands career and she started up another franchise there.  Meanwhile her husband who is Jamaican works farther away and the family was not able to see him.  Her oldest son who is 12 got to be to much for her and no family anywhere near to help, maybe because the absence of their father, I don't know, Doesn't really matter, what matters is this......
For her children's sake she packed up her life got on a plane and moved to Jamaica.  Where all of her husbands family lives and the life style is so less stressful.  Her husband has not come at this time because of his work, but the simple fact that she was so so selfless and recognized the fact that her children would prosper here, they would be able to get very close with all their family is so beautiful to me.  I commend a woman like that.  She has only the best interest in mind for her children.  She did not have a good childhood and she just broke the cycle.
And we are lucky enough to work with her at Button Bay Beach Getaway.  You never know what will happen from here on out.
 I so rely on my Lord to guide me on every step of my walk.  He is one that will never let us down, and I hope to show this woman how amazing your life can be with Jesus Christ as your Saviour. 

Friday, June 3, 2011

Long Day

5:00AM yesterday morning came very quick.  Mark, Jenni, Dontae and I load up and head off for a 8AM Dr. appointment for BooBoo.  Which was at the childrens hospital.  The Dr. already had him on his schedule for June 17,2011.  But Dontae had a cold, so we had to reschedule for July 11.  Then we headed off to the passport office, of which the price is 130.00 a person instead of 100.00.  Then we went to get our fingerprints and so many things went wrong with that process that we have to go back on Wednesday.  
I love love Jamaica, but we always have to remember that they work on turtle time, which is very slow.  That is part of the beauty here, except when you want our childs adoption to be final.  We missed being here yesterday and really missed Gladys and William, they have become such and important part of our life.
We learned that  my girls buddy passes to come here in 20 days might be unavailable. So the thought of not seeing them is almost to much to handle.  Many changes around here as well, change is good unless its unbearable.  So we will just see what the Lord had in store for today.