
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

We dropped the price of our house today.

We started at $699,000.00, we are now at $595,000.00. We were bummed to do it, but this is how the market is. Mark and I have been doing a lot of talking and a lot of praying and now we want to ask you for all of your prayers. We just need to get our house sold. But then on the flip side we sold a couple things today that we had on craigslist. So that $500.00 will now go into our Jamaica fund. So there is hope for us. lol

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Our Sponsor letter

Mark 5:36
Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him,
“Do not be afraid, just believe.”


Dear Friend in Christ,

Mark and I have had a rare privilege in this life; to discover a God given passion, and be given an outlet to realize that passion. You see, after our first mission trip together with the youth of Trinity Lutheran, Mark and I have always said that if God ever called us to do his work in this way that we would follow. In the spring of 2006 we felt God beginning to work in our hearts and now he has opened doors for us to walk through. I can say that God has spoken to Mark and I in some very real ways, including through what we have seen and experienced on our many mission adventures. I feel the both of us can relate with
Isaiah 6:8, which states, “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying”, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
Ever since we have had the privilege last June of taking the youth from Trinity on a mission trip to Jamaica, The Kingdom Builders Ministry and all that they do have been heavy on our hearts, and we have felt the calling to serve the Lord at “Our Fathers House” in Jamaica, which is an orphanage that takes in abused, neglected, and abandoned children to take care of them, educate them and bring them Christ’s love.
We expressed our desire to come and do missionary work to the founders Jim and Penie Koch. There response was that they have been praying and praying for the right people to come along, and they felt strongly that we were the ones. So with lots of prayer and our faith in the Lord, we WILL be serving the orphanage for a full year, starting in July 2010. We are asking for you to BELIEVE with us.
Our hearts are full of excitement and anticipation for this new chapter in our lives. You will be able to follow us on our blog , and see what God is doing in the lives of the children and people we serve, and how serving them in this unique way is effecting our walk with Him. We will be home for a couple of weeks during Christmas time and can share some of what we have been doing. A few of our goals is to allow God to grow the orphanage with children that have no home and to make this their home and to teach them about their heavenly father. We also want to get a garden growing to provide food for the house, and to teach the children how to grow and maintain it. Mark will be teaching carpentry skills as well, teaching the boys a trade…WHAT A GIFT! We know God also has so much more for us to do that we cannot even imagine! What we do know is that all through scripture God displays a soft spot for children and the less fortunate. We want Him to use us in a mighty way so that our love and passion for the fatherless and motherless children in Jamaica will spill over into a whole new generation of BELIEVERS touched by Gods love and grace through the work he has given us to do.
So we would like to give you the opportunity to join us in our walk with God. We are asking you to not only join us, but to BELIEVE with us. We firmly feel that it takes a lot more then just financial help for a missionary to do God’s work.

The 3 P’s make it possible for absolutely everyone to be involved in this journey.
PRAYER- Everyone can do this
PLEDGE- One time, monthly, (all helps)
PROVIDE- Actual supplies that are needed to carry out the ministry
Here are some of our needs:

1. One thing that would be very helpful is if anyone knows of someone that could get free airfare passes. We would need four round trips for the year.
2. Our room and board is $5400.00 for the year. (half of which needs to be sent in soon)
3. Approximately $3600.00 for the year for living expenses. (Special food, clothes, medicine, personal expenses etc. and lets not forget some fun!)
4. Our medical and life insurance. (not sure of the cost yet)
Your check can be made out to Kingdom Builders Ministry for room and board and personal expenses. This is a tax deductible expense; however airfare, insurance, etc. would not. These checks would be made out to Mark or Kim Lau.
Please send to Mark and Kim Lau c/o Trinity Lutheran church 119 Texas St. Bellingham, Wa 98225. (As our house is on the market) We will then send if off to Kingdom Builders Ministry.
We are getting very excited with what God has called us to do, and we would love for you to follow us on this amazing journey. All things are possible through him, please join our hearts and BELIEVE with us that God will indeed make this possible as well!

Matthew 28:18-20
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Here we are….. SEND US,

Mark and Kim Lau